Week 4: Trip to Kolli Hills

February 8, 2024 . 1 minute read


This week started with a dream finally coming true—my long-awaited trip to Kolli Hills. The journey was nothing short of an endurance test: a grueling 10+ hour drive through winding roads, followed by relentless trekking that pushed my legs to their limits. Sleep was scarce, food breaks were few, and every muscle in my body protested. But the moment I stepped under the roaring waterfalls, every ache, every ounce of exhaustion, melted away.

The sheer force of the water crashing down was exhilarating—cold, refreshing, and worth every challenge leading up to it. That one moment made the entire trip unforgettable.

But the adventure came at a cost. The exhaustion clung to me for days, leaving little room for anything else. This week, my only mission was to rest, refuel with good food, and let my body recover. Sometimes, the best way to move forward is to pause and recharge.