Revamping my website
Owning for almost a decade feels like a milestone worth celebrating. While the initial enthusiasm for running a personal website and sharing technical blogs has slightly fizzled out, I’m still proud of sticking with it. My website has been instrumental in shaping my career—bringing me freelancing clients and giving me an edge during interviews as a space to showcase my expertise.
Initially, ran on WordPress with a free theme, but I later switched to Laravel to customize the blog's design. While Laravel gave me creative freedom, it came with challenges—writing in HTML, managing databases, and handling metadata drained my enthusiasm for blogging.
To rekindle my passion for writing, I explored alternatives and found Jigsaw, a static site generator. It was a game-changer. Now, I can focus on creating content in Markdown, commit it to GitHub, and deploy seamlessly—no more database maintenance or tedious backups! I kept the minimalist design from the previous version but ditched TailwindCSS to keep things light.
The switch from Laravel to Jigsaw has revived my enthusiasm and this post marks my third blog since the migration. I’m genuinely enjoying the process again. I aim to write at least two posts per month, whether personal or professional and see where this renewed journey takes me.
The easiest way to build a good habit is to make it obvious - James Clear, Atomic Habits